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Kobido massage
Japanese face lift

Kobido massage is one of the most complex facial massage techniques in the world.

It comes from Japan, where it was created in the 15th century, and its name in Japanese means "ancient way to beauty".Thus, for over 500 years, the tradition of Kobido massage has continued and is becoming more and more popular all over the world.


Kobido massage is a non-invasive, manual method that allows you to improve the face oval, firm the skin or smooth out wrinkles without the need for surgical lifting, lifting threads, or other cosmetic treatments .


This massage, thanks to the combination of slow, relaxing movements with advanced techniques consisting of fast and intense movements, affecting the deep structures of the skin and facial muscles, not only relaxes but also stimulates tissues and reduces their tension, giving a lifting effect.

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How is Kobido massage performed?

Kobido massage consists of several stages, occurring in a specific sequence, and the treatment time usually lasts up to 90 minutes.

The massage begins with a thorough cleansing of the skin.

Then, on cleansed skin, without the use of any preparations, deep tissue massage is performed. This is to eliminate major muscle tension, which makes it easier to smooth out fine mimic wrinkles.

The next stage of the massage is more gentle.

Relaxes, removes muscle tension caused by emotions, and stimulates circulation, thanks to which the skin regains its healthy color.

Then, by making faster hand movements, blood and lymph flow is improved.

This has a positive effect on skin nourishment and the reduction of dark circles and bags under the eyes. This stage of Kobido massage is called lymphatic drainage.

In the most intense part of the Kobido massage, i.e. the lifting stage, the movements are strong and fast, and the skin is pinched, pulled up, and kneaded. At that time, the skin may also feel a slight discomfort and warming.

The last stage, i.e. acupressure, consists of pressing individual muscle points, the so-called energy points.

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Effects after massage 

The benefits of Kobido massage can be seen after the first treatment.

However, maintaining and improving them usually requires at least one session a week for a certain period of time.

The most satisfying effect of Kobido massage is the visible result of improving skin elasticity and relaxing facial muscles.

That is why this massage is often referred to as a non-invasive facelift.

In addition to improving appearance, Kobido massage also helps to relax and combat the effects of stress, such as fatigue, headaches, or insomnia.

Thanks to regularly performed Kobido massages, we can naturally obtain: 

  • younger and refreshed skin;

  • reduced appearance of lines and wrinkles;

  • reducing the appearance of signs of aging;

  • oxygenation and nourishment of the skin;

  • reduction of puffiness and dark circles under the eyes;

  • the effect of a radiant complexion;

  • skin tightening;

  • decreased facial muscle tone;

  • improved microcirculation;

  • reducing the effects of stress on the body;

  • feeling relaxed;


Kobido massage is a safe and painless procedure, however, there are contraindications to its performance:

  • inflammation of the skin;

  • other inflammatory conditions of the body (fever, tonsillitis);

  • rosacea in exacerbation phase;

  • heavily coupe rose skin;

  • occurrence of purulent inflammations around the teeth;

  • cancers;

  • hyperthyroidism;

  • skin wounds;

  • laser treatments and mesotherapy performed;

  • performed treatments: botox (massage can be performed only after 2 weeks.) lifting threads (after 6 months), hyaluronic acid (after approx.2-3 months).

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